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5 Electrical Projects to Tackle This Summer

May 28, 2015

ceiling fan

Spring and summer are two major home improvement seasons. The weather is nice and we feel a bit more motivated to finally tackle that long list of non-urgent to-dos that piled up over the winter. Are there any electrical upgrades or repairs on your list? As a Maryland master electrician, I find that many homes could use the following electrical upgrades to make their homes safer, more comfortable and more energy efficient.

Install Dimmers

Does your bedroom or living room light only have two settings: off and blindingly bright? That’s not very user-friendly, especially if any of your family members are sensitive to bright light. Meanwhile, installing dimmers is a relatively easy project. It may require switching to different, dimmable light bulbs, so it’s worth getting an electrician’s opinion first to make sure your lighting fixtures are compatible with dimmers.

Fix That Ceiling Fan

Many households have that one ceiling fan/light combo that hasn’t worked in years. Typically either the light switch or the fan switch are broken. Because ceiling fans vibrate during their operation, it’s common for electrical connections to become loose inside the base. Inspecting and tightening is often all that’s necessary to get your fan or light back up and running.

Replace Loose Outlets

Loose electrical outlets that don’t securely hold the plug are a potential fire hazard. And if you have non-working outlets, those are just a waste of space. It’s time to get all of your outlets in shape and repair or replace them as needed. This is a project better left for your Maryland electrician who will ensure that everything is done safely.

Install Outlets Where You Need Them

Inadequate number or inconvenient placement of outlets is a common issue in older homes. And the way homeowners solve it is by running power strips and extension cords throughout the house. Not only are these cords unsightly, but they also present a tripping hazard and are easy to overload. But you don’t have to put up with a poor electrical layout—hire an electrician to install additional outlets where you need them, whether it’s indoors or outdoors.

Make the Switch to LEDs

Electricity is one of the most expensive utilities in your home. Thankfully, there are many ways you can bring down your bill without sacrificing your quality of life. Upgrading your appliances to energy-efficient models is one thing you can do. But did you know that switching from incandescent bulbs to LED lights can also save you a lot? Not only do LEDs use less wattage, but they also last longer and won’t require frequent replacement.

Do you live in Maryland and need help with these or any other electrical home improvement projects? Feel free to give us a call or contact online for a free estimate.

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His work is outstanding and he is very meticulous to get it right the first time. Also, Kevin uses state-of-the-art materials instead of using cheaper material to make more of a profit. I highly recommend KD electrical services (and I wasn’t paid anything to say that)!

Les Rienhimer
Manchester, MD